Kennedy Michael Ngowi
Best Abstract - ICASA 2019 Track B
For the last four years, as the Kilimanjaro Christian Research Institute ICT specialist, I have worked on numerous projects which employ the ubiquitous use of mobile phones in Tanzania to improve patient treatment and wellness. To date, I have successfully managed two studies which used mhealth to provide education on Family planning and HIV/AIDS. As software developer, I develop the Mobile Health System needed at our health center settings to improve the use of aRT.
My successful management of these project led me to obtaining a doctoral Scholarship (PhD)to investigate the effect of short message service (SMS) and real time medication monitoring (RTMM) to improve adherence to antiretroviral treatment in the Kilimanjaro region. As coordinator, I oversee the process of recruitment, enrollment, data collection, and follow-up of the participants based on work plans. To ensure rigor and reproducibility in our project I have incorporated extensive advance training including project management, Good Clinical Practice, Policy Briefing, Communicating science to specific target-audiences, Qualitative Data Management and Analysis with NVIvo (Concept & Approaches) and Development of Mobile Health