Support ICASA 2019 Programme

Scholarship Programme

If it were not for the support of sponsors and donors, attending the International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa 2019 would be limited to those who have the economic means to do so. One of the main initiatives of the conference is to make the conference as accessible and beneficial as possible to delegates from all regions of the globe, especially those in resource-limited communities and settings. The Scholarship Programme of ICASA 2019 empower those least able, but most in need, to attend.

ICASA 2019 is planning to provide 500 scholarships across the 3 Programmes; Scientific, Leadership and Community.

Applicants can ask for a combination of four types of support:

  • Registration fee waiver
  • Travel (pre-paid, economy class ticket)
  • Accommodation (shared accommodation in a budgeted hotel)
  • Small living allowance while at the conference

Partner may select how many recipients they would like to support; recognition of the partner would depend on the amount of support. For more information, please contact:

The International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa offers conference supporters various possibilities to enhance their visibility and association with the event. Selected partnership opportunities allow each partner unique ways of associating brands or messages with different aspects of the conference.

If you need more information on sponsorship opportunities or if you have any other particular request about how you would like to present your organization at the conference, please contact:

Please see following pages for details on each item.

Exclusives Items  USD
Delegates bags* 50,000
Lanyard * 45,000
Positive Lounge 45,000
Wireless Internet access 35,000
Internet Cafe 30,000
Directorial Signal 15,000
Volunteers Cap * 20,000
Volunteers T-shirt* 25,000
Juice Bar/Day 15,000
Espresso Bar/Day 15,000
Daily bulletin 4,500
Promotional Items
Flyer in Delegate Bags** 10,000
Gift (Pad, pen and bookmark) delegates bags**  5,000
Flyer at plenary session**  5,000
Short ad on screen  before Parallel session 10,000
Pillars wraps, Banners etc. Onsite advert Price upon request
Pocket program  Inside back cover 13,000
Pocket program back cover 15,000
Pocket program inside page 12,000
Conference Program online 10,000
Media sponsorship
Media Center (onsite) 50,000
Media Film 35,000

*these items will be given out on the basis of first come first serve, only if one sponsors

** Few sponsors will have this opportunity on the basis of first come first serve