

Time: 12:15 – 14:45
Room: MH2
Reporter: HATEGEKIMANA Joselyne and UWIMANA Clementine

Mercy Zimba Chisashi made a presentation titled: The Zambia male characterization study: Who are sexual partners of Dreams adolescent girls and young women? Zambia has slightly over 1.22 million people living with HIV with a HIV prevalence of 12.7%. The purpose of the Zambian male characterization study was to characterization and understand the male sexual partners of adolescent girls and young women at risks of HIV. The survey questionnaire was administered to female participants aged 15-24years who are sexually active participating in the Dreams program. On her perspective on why some men in Zambia coerce their female sexual partners to have sex, she perceived it is because of watching of pornography, widespread use of sexual boosters, breakdown of boy child mentorship and the dressing of women. She concluded by saying that simple quick inexpensive health system fixes make HIV services more accessible to men thereby increasing early linkage to care and improving their health outcomes will enhance Zambia's ability to achieve and sustain the HIV epidemic control.

Robert Kelvin Chillima made a presentation titled "No longer hard to get men in Zambia". He stated that HIV prevalence in men age15-49 years is 8.3%, over two-thirds of HIV positive men are not aware of their status. Mobility, fear of stigma and discrimination, misconception about HIV and men not feeling comfortable going to the health facilities, are some of the barriers to men's uptake of HIV testing services. To break those barriers to find men, a combination of prevention strategy approach is needed. The behavioral intervention strategy includes one on one HIV education, small group discussion, short radio messages and targeted community based theatres. Biomedical intervention include HIV testing services, escorted referrals of HIV, men who diagnosed negative are provided with preventive messages and condom. Structural interventions include gender mainstreaming and economic strengthening support. In conclusion he shared about best practices including engagement of faith based organizations to target men at risk of HIV for HIV testing and care services and to increase collaboration and partnership with government structures and other stakeholders.

Dr Evengeline Niyoncuti a presenté en Français sous le sujet "Augmenter de la detection des cas positif aux VIH par l'approche du dépistage indexé grâce à l'implication des relais communautaires et de mediateurs de Santé ". Cet etude est meneé à l' Association Nationale de Soutien aux Seroposifs et malady de SIDA (ANSS). Mission depuis 1993 est Promouvoir la prévention de transmission du VIH/SIDA et amelioler le bien être de personnes infecteés et/ou affecteés par le VIH. Cette association pris en charger 5 centres quite sont Bujumbura, Gitega, Kirundo, Makamba et Rumonge. 90% des personnes vivant avec le VIH connaissent leur status sérologique au VIH. Elle a dit que dans 253 partenaires lists 144 hommes et 109 femmes, 43 partenaires despités VIH 26 sont des hommes et 17 sont des femmes. Elle a terminé á nous dire les difficultés qu'ils ont reconcontés tel que la culture rwandaise, refus d'enumerer les partenaires sexual et insuffisance des réactifs de dépistage. .
