

Time: 8.45 to 10.15
Venue: MH3
Reporters: Ngombwa Rutayisire and Itaramirwe G Ange

The session was facilitated by Christine Stephanie. She told us the story of a girl born with HIV but was not informed about her status till she was 15 years old. She was not pleased with the late disclosure as she could have received support to adhere to her drug regimen. It took a while for her to understand and live with her health status. Now she is a volunteer promoting an AIDS free generation, she has a husband and a big family. The main highlight of the story was the need to support parents to disclose to children, their HIV positive status.

The session had four speakers

Front line AÍDS (formerly known as the international HIV/AÍDS Alliance) wants a future free from AİDS for everyone, everywhere around the world. Sadly, millions of people are unable to access HİV prevention services and tools such as HIV testing, treatment and care because of who they are and where they live. The organization in collaboration with its partners, work to break down the social, political and legal barriers that marginalised people, and innovate to create a future free from AIDS.

A GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION for 2020 to 2050: This global of actions will drive the work of the Frontline AİDS and its partners to ensure everyone everywhere is living free from AIDS. The strategic plan lay out building blocks to this goal in ways that reduces the risk for new HİV infections and AİDS related deaths. The plan is a global plan of action for communities who wants a future free from AİDS.

ABOUT PARTNERSHIP: Frontline will work as the coordinating body of the partnership. It will connect and convene others, galvanise action on AİDS by identifying and fostering innovation, share knowledge and best practices through implementation of the agenda through community-led programmes. Efforts will be made to maximise the effectiveness of the partnership.

THE VİSİON: A future free from AİDS for everyone and everywhere.
THE MİSSİON: To break down the social, political and legal barriers that marginalised people face and stand in the way of the end of AİDS.

The goal is aligned to address the need of the most marginalized, aligns with the sustainable development goals and facilitate universal health coverage.

Gloria, crowned Miss Confident Girl by Miss Uganda, was born with HIV. She looks forward to a better future. She shared her life story and that of her younger brother, and emphasized the advantage of taking antiretrovirals. She noted that there is need for innovations to promote and improve condom use. Ugandans raise concern that the condom is small in size and so not used. She also was concerned with the use of multiple drugs for HIV treatment and the large size of the drugs which makes swallowing challenging. Her key message was that people living with HÍV are beautiful like others and are willing to improve the world. She asked for respect to be shown to all persons living with HIV.
